Privacy Policy

Data Controller

As a data controller, Gortyna d.o.o., Novi Sad, Stražilovsak 27/1, Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: “Gortyna” or “Company”) have created this Privacy and Data Policy (hereinafter: “Privacy Policy”) to make the processing of your data transparent and understandable. Besides swift settlement of damages, the protection of your personal rights is an important concern for us. We, therefore, explain to you below which of your data we process and for which purposes, and your rights in this respect.

This Privacy Policy applies to:

  • all individuals who access the website at (hereinafter: “Website”),
    send us inquiries via the Website,
  • engage with Gortyna for services we provide (hereinafter: “Services”) and become our client (hereinafter: “Client”),
  • participate in recruitment activities in Gortyna (hereinafter: “Candidates”), and
  • sign up for the Newsletter.

Please read this Privacy Policy given that, along with our Terms and Conditions and Cookie Policy, it constitutes an agreement that applies to you.

For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

The fundamental purpose of the website

Provision of information from Gortyna about the Services it offers, as well as further insurance-related links.

Business objective

The company’s objective is the provision of advice and services in insurance matters, representation in cases of damage and international claim settlement.

Data processing: purpose and legal basis

We process your data in accordance with the relevant data protection provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (hereinafter: “GDPR”) and Serbian Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter: “Protection Law”) and all other applicable laws and regulations. We process your personal data in order to comply with legal obligations, e.g. regulatory requirements, commercial and tax storage and verification obligations. We also process your data in order to protect our legitimate interests, or those of third parties, e.g. to guarantee IT security and IT operations.

Personal Data We Collect from You

Depending on how you use our Website or the Services, the information we may collect from you, includes:

  • the information you choose to share with us in your inquiry via our contact form, or otherwise,
  • the information you choose to share with us by signing up for Newsletter,
  • the information you choose to share with us during the application process for the position at Gortyna,
  • the information you choose to share with us when you instruct Gortyna to represent you.
  • If you contact us directly through our Contact page, or by sending an inquiry at or or any other email at the Website, or you share with us information over a telephone conversation or social networks, we may receive your name, email address, home or business address, job title, name of your employer, content of the messages or attachments you may send us, and any other information you may choose to provide us.

If you contact us in the process of applying for any of the positions you will be asked to send us your CV and Cover Letter. Your personal information will be shared with Gortyna employees who are assigned to the hiring process. During the application process for a traineeship or a job with us, we will ask you for information regarding your professional life that is relevant to your future position. Gortyna will collect further information from you if you are invited to the interview (or equivalent) stage and onward.

If you hire Gortyna, we may ask you to provide any other personal information not described above, that is necessary for us to provide the Services. It will generally be evident to you what personal information we collect and for what purpose. For example, we will collect contact information (postal address, email address, and telephone number(s)), financial information, and identification information. In all other cases, in which the purpose for collecting personal information is not obvious, it will be made clear to you at the point that you are asked to provide your personal information.

When you sign up for our Newsletter, it will be necessary to share your email address with us. You may decide to provide other personal data such as your name and organization.

Personal Data We Collect Automatically

When you visit our Website, we may collect certain personal information automatically from your device.

Specifically, the information we collect automatically may include information like your IP address, device type, unique device identification number, browser type and broad geographic location (e.g., country or city-level location). We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with our Website, including the pages accessed and links clicked.

Collecting this information enables us to better understand the visitors who come to our Website, where they come from, and what content on our Website is of interest to them.

Personal Data We Collect About You from Third Parties

Sometimes, we may obtain your personal data without you giving it to us directly.

If you are a Candidate for a position at Gortyna, we may obtain information about you:

  • From recruitment agencies (e.g., when a recruitment agency contacts us to identify you as a potential candidate);
  • Through publicly available sources online (e.g., on your current employer’s website, or on a professional networking site like LinkedIn); and
  • By reference or word of mouth – for example, through a referral from a former employee/employer or a referee you have identified.

If you are a Client, we will process identification and background information as part of our business acceptance, including anti-money laundering, conflict, reputation, and financial checks, and to fulfill any other legal or regulatory requirements to which we may be subject.

Types of personal data recipients

We are highly committed to protecting and respecting your personal data. Therefore, we want to inform you that we may share your personal data in the following situations and with the following parties/units:

Internal units

Data may be transferred to internal staff involved in the execution of business processes (e.g., bookkeeping, accounting, telecommunications, etc.).

External service provider

In order to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations, we also use external service providers, especially experts (medical, mechanical, and traffic) and lawyers.

Other recipients

We may, furthermore, forward your data to other recipients, to the extent permitted by data protection regulations, e.g., to authorities to fulfill statutory notification obligations, to Green Card offices, compensation offices, information centers, courts, etc.

Data storage duration

As a general rule, we delete your data as soon as it is no longer required for the aforementioned purposes unless this conflicts with longer statutory storage obligations.

Such obligations to provide evidence and to retain data arise from, among other things, the Serbian Company Law (srb. Zakon o privrednim društvima) (hereinafter: „Company Law“), Serbian Accounting Law (srb. Zakon o računovodstvu) (hereinafter: “Accounting Law”) and Serbian Archival Material and Archival Activities Law (srb. Zakon o Arhivskoj građi i arhivskoj delatnosti) (hereinafter: “Archival Law”).

Rights of affected persons

You can request information about your stored personal data and, furthermore, that it be corrected if incorrect or incomplete. Under certain circumstances, you can request the deletion of your data. Finally, you may have a right to limit the processing of your data and a right to have the data you provide surrendered in a structured, common and machine-readable format.

You can request information about your stored personal data at any time. For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by post at

Gortyna d.o.o. Novi Sad
Stražilovska 27/1
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

Right of objection

While we will only process your data to protect legitimate interests, you have the right to object to such processing based on your own unique circumstances under Art. 21 para. 1 of the GDPR.

Right of appeal

You can write to our data protection officer at the above address by stipulating “To the Data Protection Officer”. You also have the option of contacting the Data Protection Supervisory Authority:

Serbian Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data (srb. Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti)

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15
Beograd 11120
Tel.: +38111 3408 900

Data transfer to a third country

Gortyna d.o.o. is a Serbian-based company, therefore a company based outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). Nevertheless, we are dedicated to respecting all EU data protection regulations. Therefore, should we transfer data to other organizations and service providers outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), this will be conducted in accordance with GDPR.

Other legal information

The content provided on Gortyna’s web pages is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal, tax or any other advice. It is exclusively information of a general nature that does not make reference to a specific person.

Gortyna makes every effort to ensure that this content is correct and complete. The occurrence of unintentional errors cannot, however, be entirely ruled out.

As far as legally permissible, Gortyna, therefore, expressly excludes liability and warranty for the correctness and completeness of published content such as information and data.

Gortyna excludes, in particular, any liability and warranty for incorrect and/or missing information, as well as for the content of “hyperlinks“ and/or other external and/or connecting links. Decisions by users/visitors that are based directly or indirectly on the content provided on our web pages, as well as those based on pages connected to these by external and/or further links or “hyperlinks“, shall be undertaken solely at the discretion and responsibility of a given user/visitors.

In particular, Gortyna also expressly excludes all liability and warranty for accidental or indirect damage associated with the execution of the program packages, including damage to the user’s/visitor’s terminal device or damages resulting from loss of use, data and/or revenue.

The structure and content of this website, in particular the design, texts, graphics, images and the like, are protected by copyright in favor of Gortyna. Any use of protected information and/or content such as, in particular, the aforementioned shall require the prior express written consent of Gortyna, except in cases stipulated in our Terms and Conditions.

Gortyna reserves the right to undertake changes and/or additions to the content of its web pages at any time and without prior notice. Should parts or individual formulations of texts in particular not be, no longer be, or be incompletely in compliance with current legal provisions, the remaining parts of the content shall remain unaffected by this with respect to their content and validity.

All legal relationships shall be governed exclusively by Serbian law without reference to provisions of foreign law. As far as legally permissible the place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia.

Gender neutral formulation

Gortyna has refrained from using gender-neutral wording for some texts in the interest of clarity. Both genders are, nevertheless, always addressed within the meaning of equal treatment.